Pesky Germs and Preschool
One of the biggest drawbacks to teaching preschool out of your home is all of the pesky germs that walk through your front door with the children.
Over the years, I found myself getting sick every fall because of all of the pesky germs.
I decided that something needed to be done, not just for my sake, but for the kids. Passing on germs isn't an okay thing with me.
So,last year, I took it upon myself to remind parents that if your child was showing signs of an illness, or say that they aren't feeling well, to please keep them home.
But with so many little toes and fingers ant preschool that wan't enough.
I have always had the children wash their hands before snack time but decide that maybe it needed to be done more often...but that would take up time we just didn't have.
Instead, I opted to use hand sanitizer as they arrived and after snack.
(Am I worried about using so much hand sanitizer-No, because I don't use the stuff found at the store which contains alcohol. Instead, I use a waterless hand sanitizer made with essential oils that kills those germs and is safe and natural).
Why after, because those little fingers have been in or close to their mouth and face.
Of course, they still wash their hands with soap and water, before snack.
This foaming soap is great for little fingers. The kids love the suds and the smell.
I love that they don't have to use very much, it kills they germs, is gently on hands and the kids leave a smaller mess behind to clean up.
The soap is also, kid safe and good for the environment.
The table always gets washed off before snack and I added after the end of the day so it would start out germ free for the next day.
I have always washed the toys at least every month and decided that they should be wiped down in between.
I got the children involved in the cleaning.
Of course they use kid safe cleaning wipes...
Every Friday after snack they get to wash down their own chair and everyone helps wash off the table. Silly kids even washed the underside.
They then choose a few toys to wipe down as well.
Usually, the cars and castle set is the one the boys choose.
and dolls and little people for the girls.
Whatever toys aren't done by the children, I do later that day. I also do a quick wipe on the toys that the kids did...just incase.
I love these safe cleaning products...
(How I found them and why I use them, is a whole other blog).
I also, put Thieves in my diffuser and turn it on after the kids get rid of germs in the air and on items that can't be washed.
I have found that this has helped me and the kids stay healthier all year round. And things stay a lot cleaner than before.
Not so many pesky germs to share anymore, and I love it.
And to top it off, I haven't been sick as much.
Want to get your hands on these great products? Leave me a comment or email me at