Thursday, February 26, 2015

Dancing in Africa-mgt

Today we finished up the unit adventures in Africa.

There are many kinds of dance in Africa. Religious, sacred, right of passage & many more.
We choose to make fun masks and dance to African drum music.

This was a great way to use both small muscle and large muscle skills. Also, to get some energy and wiggles out.

Since it is the last school day of the month for us, we reviewed the letters, G,K, & P. To reinforce the cold RED we painted with RED paint.

To end the day we played a game about giving back.  Games are great for leaning numbers, counting & taking turns.

I love that Mother Goose Time includes GAMES in their curriculum. It helps reinforce what we have been learning about and makes learning FUN.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mother Goose Time the letter P

Today we learned about the letter "p".

One of the fun activities we did was find the letter "P".

I dumped many small wooden letters on the floor and the kids all looked for the letter "P"s.

They found 19.

Along with this week made a letter P book. And sang a letter "P" song (these are part of  Frog Street Press curriculum).

Mother Goose Time

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I guess I should start blogging again

Preschool kids are so darn cute and say the darnedest things.

We have been learning about Going on Safari this month( Yes, I am going out of order).  But with my son serving an mission for our church in Africa, I just couldn't help it.

This Tuesday we talked about elephants and made elephant masks.  All of the kids loved it.
When we went outside to wait for moms to pick them up, one of the kids decided that he would be a lion and the other kids could be elephants and he would hunt and eat them.  We now have a new way to play tag.

Thanks Mother Goose time for your fun curriculum.