Science is a fun part of preschool! So far this month we have done an egg experiment.
I asked the children what kind of eggs they like to eat and showed them a few different kinds of cooked eggs.
What does an uncooked egg look like inside?
What does an uncooked egg do when you spin it on it's end? It wobbles and fall right over.
This is because the inside of the egg is a liquid and it moves around so the egg can't balance .
What does a cooked egg do when you spin it on it's end? It spins and spins.
This is because the inside of the egg is a solid and doesn't move.
The next experiment we did was with water....
We are talking about ocean life and we discussed how ocean water is different from the water that we drink.
Ocean water has SALT in it.
Questions I asked while doing the experiment....
How do you think it tastes? How do you think sugar water will taste? Which water would you rather drink?
I got 3 paper cups for each child and filled it part way with water. Then added salt to one, sugar to the other and left the last one normal.
I had the children put a finger in the first cup and taste it (we only used fingers because I knew it would be nasty and didn't want children spitting the water out all over the table or floor).
Most of them said it was yucky, not good and pulled funny faces.
We then tried cup number 2 that has sugar water in it.
Most of the children thought it was yummy and good tasting.
We then tried cup number 3-the normal drinking water.
Most of the children thought it was the best drinking water ever and wanted to drink the whole cup. However, some did say that they would rather drink the sugar water. Of course, they are little kids.
We then talked about fish in the ocean and discussed the fact that they drink salt water every day and they like it.
Science is a big part of Preschool and we will be doing more during the month. So, keep your eyes open for it.
We also talked about the Letter O. We talked about how it looks like a circle. Of course we all practiced the sound it makes. O as in octopus, Oscar and ostrich . It can also say it's own name.
The children then imagined that they were an ocean creature and swam, walked or crawled around the big O taped on the floor.
We talked about waves in the ocean and how they are big and little(more math).
Octopus starts with O and has 8 legs.
We took turns playing the Octopus game. Identifying written numbers with the amount.
We then made our own waves with a blue blanket.
What a great preschool day.
Blogger: Free Wordpress:

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