Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A thief in the night/MGT

There is an animal that some refer to as , 'The thief in the night".
And why do they call it this? Because it is and some times in the day time, also.

What is this animal, you ask?

Why the sneaky raccoon of course.

Bandit-masked raccoons look like they are wearing a mask!

These animals may be on the small side but don't underestimate them. They are quite smart and sneaky. They love anything that sparkles or shines. And love to find free food in peoples trash cans.

You can find raccoons living in forests, marshes, prairies, and even cities. They are adaptable. 
They use their dexterous front paws and long fingers to find and feast on a wide variety of food.

Our family will never forget a camping trip in the mountains with our extended family.

A large raccoon keep coming in to camp and trying to sneak away with things. The funniest thing it tried to take was a bottle of cooking oil. 
My nephew even fought the raccoon for it. But the silly thing kept coming back to take it again.

We caught it trying to open a plastic container filled with craft beads.  We finally decided that everything needed to be put in a tent with the door closed.

We all went on a hike and when we got back the silly raccoon stuck it's head out of the tent. Who knew that they could manipulate zippers!

We then moved anything that we thought that it could carry off into vehicles. They can't open car doors-or can they? No, I hope not.

That night a half loaf of bread was left out on a picnic table, yup, in the morning it was gone.

With the help of Mother Goose Time Curriculum we made ourselves into these sneaky critters. 
Art projects are always fun.

R is for raccoon

Being able to identify the first sound of a word is a great way to learn to read. Learning phonics games are included in every month's curriculum. This month it is a fun game to play with others. And includes the theme "In the orchard".
This month's focus letters are Rr, Aa, Oo

We had fun playing it and learning at the same time.

mother goose time

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