Giraffes on Safari
What do giraffes look like?
These giraffes live in Uganda, Africa. My son took this picture while he was there on a church mission. Yes, he was lucky and got to go on a real live safari.
If you look closely, each giraffe is different in color and spots, also, in height and size.
How many different shapes can you find on a giraffe's spots?
Did you know that giraffes have BLUE tongues?
Giraffes have long necks to reach the leaves in tall trees. Yes, they eat leaves.
Because giraffes also have long legs, they have to spread their legs apart like doing the splits to reach water. They have to be very careful while getting a drink because they aren't very fast when their legs are spread apart.
Giraffe math game...
Here is a fun giraffe math game-
Choose a number card, place that many spots on the giraffe.
We did giraffe art...
Trace the child's foot for the head of the giraffe.
cut out other pieces free hand.
Add eyes, a mouth and color spots.
or glue some spots on.
Giraffe's are fun animals.

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