Saturday, September 26, 2015

Community Helpers-MGT

They very first thing I think about when the theme" Community helpers, or your community" comes up is the song from Sesame Street ....

Teaching children about our community can be simple, easy and fun.

This week we talked about friends and staying in touch with friends that don't live close by anymore.

How do they stay in touch with these friends?  Into days world there are so many different and fast ways.

I, of course, thought of sending letters first. Why? Because I'm getting old and letters where the only way to keep in touch, besides phone calls, when I was growing up.

Nowadays, we have Skype, email, texting, calls, email and the list goes on.

But good old fashioned mail is wonderful! You can hold something in your hands and keep it forever. And who doesn't like going to the mail box and finding something just for them?

We discussed how mail goes into the mailbox, the mailman picks it up and takes it to the post office where it is sorted by where a person lives and then the mail man brings it to your house.

We also discussed different kinds of mail that a person can get.  Normal envelopes, large or small padded envelopes , boxes of many shapes and sizes. And of course postcards.
Sending something in the mail is a great way to stay in touch with friends and let them know that you are thinking about them.
Moher goose time.

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