My youngest is now in Kindergarten
but we still use Mother Goose Time curriculum.
When I told my daughter that I wasn't teaching preschool this year, she told me that she loved preschool and still wanted to do it.
Lucky for us, mother Goose Times curriculum can be extended into kindergarten.
We use the monthly curriculum book for the theme , numbers, letters, color and yes, sight words. Then I purchase the add ons called more reading and math. These are fun work books to work on harder math and reading. They included fun games and cut outs. Along with story sequencing and many more fun learning experiences.
I love that my daughter can get a book when ever she wants and work on her kindergarten skills. She complains about her normal kindergarten home work but loves her extra school work from MGT because they make it fun and colorful.
Mother Goose Time
Mother Goose Time

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