Portfolios and Learning Stories
To keep on top of things, I made each child a portfolio out of poster board that is stapled together. It is on the larger size but this is so I can fit this big projects in it.
Through out the year I decide on which fun art project to add to the portfolio's.
The ones I like to add are ones that the child had to cut, glue, color or paint.
I date each art project so the child and their parent's can see the progress that they have made over the year.
I also add a few writing sheets that the child has done over the year. Usually the child's name is fun to see how it has improved over the month's.
Since Mother Goose Time is wonderful at having a personal journal for each month to work in and then take home, The parent's can see the progress by viewing the journal through out the school year.
I also, take pictures of class activities and field trips and then put a fun DVD together for graduation. Each child receives one to take home to remember their fun time at preschool and their friends.
The port folios's and DVD tells the child's story and what the have learned.

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