Preschool graduation usually looks something like this....
The children sing some songs that they have learned throughout the year.
Do a finger play or two and of course recite the Pledge of Allegiance .
After the short program they do the exciting walk to get there diplomas.
This year, however, the weather didn't co operate. We got rained out.
Not only was there lots of rain but it was only 50 degrees outside.
I had rented a pavilion at a park incase of rain. But it was so cold that
I knew we would have crying, miserable children, instead of happy, outgoing ones.
What to do...clean my house and have everyone squish in. Maybe try to get the church.
Or reschedule for another day, hoping for sun.
I finally decided to just cancel it-for the first time in 10 years. I was kind of sad to do it because the children had worked so hard on the program.
I decided to make a personal trip to each child's house and deliver their graduation present and certificate.
All of the kids were at home, except for one. It was fun seeing the confused looks on their face. What is Miss Traci doing at my house?
They quickly got over it when I gave them their gift and had them sing a few songs for their parents.
This years gift was a cute autograph dog. I wrote a personal note one each child's dog and signed it.
They also got a helium balloon, 'cause who doesn't like balloons, right.

Sometimes just don't go as planned but we have to work around them anyways.
I could have freaked out or even said, "We're doing it anyways-in the cold".
But this turned out to be fun for myself and the children.
Have fun in kindergarten next year and work hard.
Thanks Mother Goose Time for helping us have an amazing year.

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