We went over everything that we have talked about this month.
The letters,numbers, color and shape.
I put short pieces of yarn in our small sequence blocks and had the children find them and then make a letter 'x' out of the yarn! It was a hit.
We then talked about Sharks and how they have hundreds of sharp teeth. This helps them catch other fish to eat for their lunch and other meals.
I asked the children if they thought sharks skin was soft or rough.
It looks soft and smooth but it is rough and scratchy.
We colored shark fins and then glued black sand on them to make them rough and scratchy.
The children's favorite and I have to admit mine also, was when the children performed the little theatre-A story of a diver.
Each child Picked a prop to go with the sea animal they were going to be in the play.
Our diver had googles, of course.
The whale had cool sunglasses.
The manatee had a pinwheel.
The Eel had a scarf and of course the sharks had fins.
The short story...
The diver dives into the ocean and sees a whale, manatee, and an eel while he is diving. Each animal is doing something-like hiding. When the school of sharks come everyone swims away fast.
The diver just barely makes it back onto the boat in time.
We colored and glued our bilingual books today.
The book talks about some of the sea animals we learned about.
I left the books on attached to the sheets today to see if they were easier to keep track of this way.
And they were.
I usually give each child one page at a time and then staple them together when they are done. But it seems that some one ends up coloring someone else 's or we some how have a lost page we have to hunt for.
This new way worked out great! So, for now on...this is the way I will do it.
Learning with Mother Goose Time is so much fun. It keeps us all learning new things (yes, even me).
Playing new games, and learning a little Spanish along with a little sign language.
I love the hands on curriculum that keeps us busy and learning through play.

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