Thursday, March 12, 2015

Beyond Math-MTG

This month we are learning about Space and the children are all loving it. I have to admit, so am I.

We don't do a lot of math worksheet at preschool but we do, do a lot of math, even without realizing it.

Each monthly calendar has a new pattern on it, along with the numbers to put on each day of the week. Patterns are a great pre-math skill. Were you aware that there are patterns in math? This months pattern is a ABCD pattern.

To go along with our space theme we were astronauts and wanted to see which planet we could jump to. We measured with the planets and a measuring tape. Measuring is Math. We also counted the planets.

We also looked at the planets to see what sizes they were...Big, medium or small---yup, also math.

For snack, the snack helper gets to give each child one napkin and one cup. Yup, also math.

But the one the kids love the most right now, is a fun MOON game that came with our curriculum from Mother Goose Time.

With this game the children decide what size of circle (big, medium or small) to put on the moon.  They also can choose what pattern on the circle to choose.  We counted to see how many circles we could get on the moon before they fell off.

Another fun way to identify the numbers of the month (7 &17) is by playing match the stars. And put the stars in numerical order.

If we look, math is all around us.

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