Today was super fun. We did a science experiment. It was so fun we had to do it 4 times. Yes, four.
Because we were having so much fun, we were a little late getting ready to go home.
talked about clouds and how they are formed. We then made our own cloud.
Did you know that in order to make a cloud you need Hot air, Cold air, water or condensation and a surface for it to form on.
We used ice, a blow drier and magic hair spray to make our cloud.
After making it I remembered seeing it done another see it you can go to
We then made our own pet cloud t take home.
We also talked about plants. How many there are(8). Looked at the different sizes. Read a book about them.
We pretended to be astronauts and jumped to see which planet we could land next too-math. We also counted the planets and looked at the different sizes-big, medium, small-also math.
We took turns playing our new Moon game-also math.
My older children think they are being left out, not being able to come to preschool and do cool things. I guess, we will be doing some of this stuff later tonight as a family.
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